Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

RME for Our Education

TLNLAG: Guest Lecturer

By: Dian Sulistiani / 2010110027 / Section A
Last class of TLNLAG was very interesting. We have learned about PMRI or “Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia” or Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). We know about mathematics is very important in daily. All aspects of life used mathematics. For example, the physician can know the bacteria’s growth. Housewife also used mathematics to determine the proportion of cooking spices into her food. Mathematics does not only account numbers but also critical thinking and need logic. For example, the judge used logic in mathematics when was determining a prisoner in a case. So, we need mathematics in all aspects.
Actually in school, many students consider that mathematics is very difficult. Mathematics is not real life. What is benefit about integral or limit in real life if we only become housewife? Most students asked it to their teacher. Ironically, teacher only gives formula to solve problem. So, students think mathematics is abstract and so many formula, numbers, symbols. It makes that students are boring. Students become lazy and they hate mathematics. It is our problem in mathematics lesson in school.
Then to solve the problem, we can use RME that it is phenomenological of mathematics learning with real life education. So, students do not only get formula directly but also find it from daily. Students build the knowledge from their experiences. It is like a mountain in sea. We only see the top of mountain, but in under sea, we can see a big mountain. That statement means the top of mountain is formula in mathematics or formal notation and inside sea is an experience of students. The teacher is facilitator. Students have teamwork to solve problem. In here, we can get many answer and strategy of students because their opinion are very different each other. But it is very interesting because they get much experience to get answer of problem. In end session, teacher gives reinforcement to students about mathematics notation. It is very good strategy.
RME also makes students to think from some sides. It can increase the critical thinking of students. Then students can practice to see a problem from other solve. It is very important in our life. We as teacher also can see the pattern of student’s thinking so we can determine teaching and learning methods that suitable for them. It is nice. The abstract formula become concrete problems. Students become active in class and get experience as long term memory in their life. Mathematics is fun and not boring again. Student can enjoy in mathematics class.

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