Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

How to Implement MMSEL Course on My Future

By: Dian Sulistiani / 2010110027
MMSEL course is very useful for my future. I think that all of topics in this course are very important for a new generation of educators. If I am asked about “how will you implement MMSEL if you are a teacher?” I will answer, it is not easy. I will find so many problems that relate with all of MMSEL topic.
            It is like that I find on my experience now. For example, SEP activities, we need the classroom management well because we find the real classes. It is so important. MMSEL course help me to conduct the classroom management that have I implemented in my classroom. I have to prepare well. We can explore well-managed for classroom deeply again. J
            Then, the topic: communicating affectively with parents and intervening when misbehaviour occurs, it is one of the skills that should be possessed by the teacher. It means that the teacher does not only deliver material well, but also he or she also should have this skill well. It is caused the teacher have to report everything about the students to the parent. So, the teacher and the parent do not happened miscommunication. We can use the strategies to know the students’ development.
            In the topic: Serious Management Problem: Violence and Aggression, I think that is important part. In the real life, we will find the problems about this. We learn this topic; it can help us to solve the problem. We also can predict the good step, so bullying and behaviour problem do not happened at our school or our environment.
            We also know how to improve the students’ motivation after learn this course. We can explore the ways to do something that is better again. J We learn together from our partner, our students, and all of people around us. J Keep spirit.


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