Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

Instructions for a mathematical project:

Geometry – 3 D Shapes (Cubes, Cuboids, Prisms, Pyramids)
Grade X / 2nd Semester
By: Susi Dariah, Dian Sulistiani, Hana Sofiyana

As usual, at the end of the topic you will get a test in order to assess your understanding and so do this topic of Geometry. Now, as the final test for the topic of 3D shapes, you will have an exhibition, what will the exhibition looks like? Read the explanation of the task thoroughly.
The Task:
1.      On this final test, you will work on group of 4 and develop a miniature of a shape.
2.      You are allowed to build any shape in term of it is developed from some cubes, cuboids, prisms and pyramids.
3.      Your miniature will be exhibited on Monday, April 2nd, 2012.
4.      In your exhibition, you should explain to the visitors about:
a.       How you could develop its miniature.
b.      What are the 3D shapes that form the miniature
c.       What are elements of every 3D shape and also give the information of the surface area and the volume of your miniature.
5.      Your visitors will have the right to ask some questions about your miniature and they will assess your performance according to the rubric that has been prepared.

The rubric:
Need Improvement
Knowledge Acquiring
Students can clearly describe the miniature explanations and answer all of the visitors question clearly
Students can clearly describe the miniature explanations and answer some of the visitors questions
Students can describe the miniature explanations but can not answer the visitors questions
Students can not describe the miniature explanation and can not answer the visitors’ questions

Students are outstandingly making the miniature of a shape
Students are good in making the miniature of a shape
Students made the miniature of a shape in average quality
Students made miniature of a shape by having below average quality

Accuracy of the surface area and the volume calculations
Students calculate the surface area and volume of the shape correctly by finding the formula previously
Students could find and apply the formula of the surface area and volume of the shape but incorrectly calculate some of the result
Students could find the formula of the surface area and volume of the shape but incorrectly calculate and apply the formula
Students could not find and apply the formula of the surface area and volume of the shape and incorrectly calculate all of the result

The composition of 3D shapes to form a miniature
The miniature is formed by 4 kinds of 3D shapes
The miniature is formed by 3 kinds of 3D shapes
The miniature is formed by 2 kinds of 3D shapes
The miniature is formed by a kind of 3D shape

Usually makes eye contact, volume is always appropriate, enthusiasm present through out presentation, summary is completely accurate
Usually makes eye contact, volume is always appropriate, enthusiasm is present in most of presentation, only one or two errors in summary
Sometimes make eye contact, volume is sometimes appropriate, occasional enthusiasm in presentation, some errors in summary
Never or rarely makes eye contact, volume is inappropriate, rarely shows enthusiasm in presentation, many errors in summary

Group work
All of group member give the participation for doing the task
Only 3 persons of group member give the participation for doing the task
Only 2 persons of group member give the participation for doing the task
Only a person of group member give the participation for doing the task

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