Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

Students’ Experience

#CLS (Semester 5)
By: Dian Sulistiani / 2010110027

Based on my experience of School Experience Program in this semester, I think that explanation and exemplifying are important for teaching and learning process. Last SEP, I got XI-A2 class and XI-S2 class that I taught.
First meeting in XI-A2 class, I applied the group work to my students. In this problem, we have topic about half-angles of trigonometric. I just reviewed student’s homework. I asked some students to write their answer on whiteboard. Then, I discussed them together. I think that they are more understood than me. I have to read them slowly. I was nervous because I do not have enough for material preparation. Finally, I just stand in front of the class. I was confused. My students began uncomfortable. Some minutes wasted.
Then, I continued my lesson. We had next topic. I divided students into several groups. I gave worksheet in each group. Before this activity, I did not give explanation about material. I just asked the students to solve the worksheet. Actually, they were confused. I think that my worksheet was so many, so they were lazy to do this. Some students asked me to explain the problem in their group, but I had difficulties to explain it.
In this meeting, I did not manage time, so the class finished but students did not have finished their group discussion yet. Finally, I asked the worksheet that should be gathered to me, but I asked students to do worksheet in their house. It was so bad.
The reasoning why I used group work in this class, it is because I expected that students found the formula of half angles of trigonometric by their self. It is one of characteristic of problem based learning. Based on argument of Barrows  &  Kelson  (2003, on Permana & Sumarmo, 2007) that problem based learning is approach method that give problems of relevant materials to push students to find knowledge and understand concept, critical thinking, independent study, and have ability in their group work to solve the problem. Then, problem based learning used constructivism theorem; students build their knowledge through assimilation and accommodation process (Piaget, on Permana & Sumarmo 2007) and environment interaction (Vygotsky, on Permana & Sumarmo 2007). Vigotsky also added the argument that teacher can do “scaffolding” to help students’ discussion, is helping of teacher that some questions to direct students toward goal of answer. 
I think that students can share and discuss with their friends to do the problems, but in fact, it can not be done well. I reflect on my self, I was as teacher that can not be the good facilitator. I have difficulties to explain the material. So, in first meeting, I failed to deliver the material well.
Then, in second meeting of XI-A2 class, my preparation was better than last meeting. I entered class and did opening. I did something different. I gave “jargon: I am smart, you are smart, and we are smart”. I think it can make the students keep spirit. It also gives stimulant to students for the lesson. My planning was success in opening. All of students have high spirit, it can be seen from their screaming of jargon. I was more adventurous to say anything in front of class than last lesson.
Then, I reviewed last material. I said, “Students, do you understand about last materials?”
All of students answered, “No, I do not understand, Miss. Can you explain it?”
Actually, I was confused. My students did not understand about materials. In my question, “In last meeting, what is they learn?” “Nothing? And worksheet? It did not give effect well. Oh no! My first meeting influences my next meeting.”
So, I have to repeat my last material. I explained about half-angles of trigonometric concept.
In main activity, I gave explanation clearly so my students can understand. I wrote the question in the white board, “cos 2α = …” Then, I asked the students to find the answer. Some students gave suggestion and I wrote the students’ answer in the board. After that, I guided the students to find the answer “sin α/2 = …” I think, the students can understand about my steps. It can be seem by the students’ expression when I explained it. They done “menganggukkan kepala”. I asked again, “Do you understand?” All of students answered, “Yes, Miss.”
Then, I gave some questions again to students. The questions are more complex than last question. I asked the students to solve the question. I think that my question can make students to explore the material. Based on Mason, 2005,
The  teacher’s  aim  is  always  to  embed  the  overt  task  in  greater  complexity  so  that  learners would  be  exposed  to  a  variety  of  ideas  simultaneously.    Often  this  complexity  is  due  to choices being made by learners.  Thus mathematics as a way of making sense of complexity is  being  exemplified,  even  if  the  learners  are  not  overtly  aware  of  it.    Mathematics  as comprising  interconnected  ideas  is  also  being  exemplified  by  exposing  learners  to  extreme cases which emerge from the class
It is like that I did. It also helps the students to find the difficulties of the material. In my experience, students who get the difficulties, they asked me to give correction. In here, I can know about the students’ ability.
My class in session 2 was ok, but has a mistake. My time management was bad, so we have not finished all material yet. So, I asked the students to finish the questions in their home. I have so many reflections about this lesson.
In next meeting, I got the XI-S2 class. I entered class with full spirit. I prepared worksheet well. I introduced my self and I asked the students to introduce their self with anything that representative their self. For example, “I am Dian. French.” I think it can guide the attention of students. Then, I gave the objective of lesson, “Function”.
I divided the students into several groups and gave them some worksheet. I asked students to review and solve the problem by pair work. I was facilitator in here. The students worked in their pair. They solved the problem based on their prior knowledge. The students can work together with other people. I think it is same with Mason, 2005, exemplified  was  acknowledging openly, and taking it as an opportunity to learn from others and each task  was  worked  through,  learners  could  attend  to  what  others  has  done  and  what  the teachers was ‘apparently looking for or expecting’.
Then Zazkis (2001, Liz dkk, ----) observes that starting with more complex problem situations and more complex numbers not only provides an opportunity for learners to simplify for themselves in order to see what is going on before returning to the more complex, but also provides an opportunity for learners to appreciate more fully the range and scope of generality implied by the particular exemplars. Furthermore, learners are not deceived by the attraction of doing simple computations with small numbers rather than attending to underlying structure.
I can say that my planning was good. The students found some material by own self and teamwork. I walked around. Then we discussed it by class discussion. I gave some problem again to know the understanding the student. Finally, all of students can solve the problem. I gave reinforcement and I asked the student, “Do you solve the problem clearly?” Then the students answered, “Yes.” So I gave post test to them. They finished the problem well. I was happy because my students can understand material well. I think that the group discussion is well because the students can learn from the other and the students can discuss the problem together. So, if there is the student did not solve and understand the problem, their friend can help it. Like Kelly’s opinion that group discussion is not only focus to teacher-students interaction but also students-students interaction. The students can transfer their knowledge to other. Students will also participate by answering questions and providing examples.
In my conclusion, the teacher needs to give explanation about material but we need consider when we should give the explanation. I think that we also need ask the students to find their understanding of material by their self but we as the teacher does not forget to give reinforcement.


Kelly, Mellisa. Whole Group Discussion Pros and Cons. Taken at 22th November 2012 from

Liz, dkk. ----. Exemplification in Mathematics Education. Taken at 14th November 2012 from

Mason, John. 2005. What Is Exemplified in Mathematics Classrooms? Taken at 10th November 2012 from

Permana & Sumarmo. 2007. Mengembangkan Kemampuan Penalaran dan Koneksi Matematik Siswa SMA Melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah. Taken at 15th November 2012 from


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