Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

Learn and Do It!

By: Dian Sulistiani / 2010110027
School Experience Program on this semester, I got SMAN 71 Jakarta. I was leader in this group. I did not believe that I can finish this job on time. I am so happy for this semester. I learned so many experiences. I can apply the material that I got in some courses. Yes, I believe what we learn today, it will be useful on the future. J
            In this SEP, I became observer for Deshinta’s performance. We got XI.IPA.2 class from 08.10 am to 09.40 am. This class is consists of 40 students. In here, we had the topic: application of derivative in daily life. I think that is interesting. Yes, Deshinta delivers this topic creatively and clearly. First time, she gave good information about the students’ assignment. She also prepared some gifts for the winner game of last meeting. The students pay attention and enthusiastic in this lesson. After that, she used JIGSAW: home group and expert group. The students were divided into several groups. Each member of group had one problem to be solved. This problem will be solved in the expert group. It was so interesting. Each student will work into group. It helped student, if he or she got problem to solve the question. They can discuss it together. Deshinta also gave lecturing. She invited the students to discuss into the class discussion. Finally, she gave reinforcement about the topic. In the closing, the students were asked to make reflection about the lesson.
            Well, in my observation, I think the students pay attention to the teacher. Maybe, it is caused by Deshinta’s character. She can manage classroom well. Sometimes, the students were noisy, but Deshinta can solve the problem. For example: when Deshinta explained the material, some students that sat in behind made a noisy situation. She was quiet in some seconds, and then reminds the students to focus again. I think that the students felt happy and they enjoyed the lesson. It was seen by students’ enthusiastic. When Deshinta proposed the problem, the students gave idea. They responded correctly and energetic. The students also joined the lesson well.
            I like this class. The agenda of lesson completed. This is a big class, I think. In my experience, I often failed if I applied the teamwork that needs movement. It will be noisy. Moreover, I did not manage the classroom well. I have difficulties to control the classroom situation. But, in this class, JIGSAW can be completed well. I give applause for this meeting. I can learn everything from this class. I also had opportunity to interview the teacher, Mrs. Etty, she told that she habituates the students to work in group, drill and practice, come forward in front of class to solve the problem, and learn together in the group. Maybe, those influenced this meeting. The discussion in group was worked well.
            In this topic, the teacher prepared well. She gave the gift for the winner group. She also reminded the students about the classroom agreement: if the student wants to eat something, she or he has to give each other too. Then, she also did not forget to tell the lesson objective to students. Then, she guided the students to review about the last lesson. She gave the question, “How to find the maximum and minimum values from the function?” I think that is a good question to know students’ prior knowledge. The students will answer their knowledge about the topic. It can help the teacher to explore the students’ idea. The teacher can know the students’ answer is correct or wrong. So, the teacher can determine the next step. If the students still feel confused, the teacher will review deeply again. But, if the students can explain clearly, so the teacher can continue the next material.
This first question can attract the students’ attention to follow the lesson. Almost the students joined to answer the question. I think that the answer of the question is more than one answer. I mean that can be evolved. For example from the transcript, we get some dialogs.
Guru     : “Oke sudah siapkan buat besok, kalo kita mau mencari nilai maksimum atau minimum dari suatu fungsi apa yang kita lakukan?”
Siswa    : “Diturunin.”
Guru     : “Abis diturunin itu diapain?”
Siswa    : “Difaktorin, turunannya sama dengan nol.”
Guru     : “Ok, turunannya sama dengan nol =, kalo misalkan kita mau menghitung seumpanya kita mau menghitung sebuah produksi, bedanya dari tahun pertama dengan tahun kedua, jumlah produksi taun … kalo misalkan ditanya jumlah produksi dari tahun pertama ke tahun kedua.”
            From the dialog, the first question linked with the next question. I think that the first question is good, if can attract the students’ attention and does not stop the students’ idea. I think, the first question is good enough to attract the students’ attention and spirit.
            In my reflection, I found the inappropriate question. In here, teacher often used the close ended question. It just confirmed the students’ knowledge. The students just have the simple answer. In the fact, teacher asked the students.
Guru     : “Pada titik berapakah benda mencapai tanah?”
Siswa    : ----
Guru     : “Apanya ? t=0 jaraknya nol. Jadi bukan v nya nol ya kalo dia berada di atas tanah. Oia, kalo sebuah percepatan diketahui percepatan negative itu artinya apa si?”
Siswa    : “Diperlambat.”
            In this fact, students just have simple answer. It is not wasting time, but just confirms the students’ knowledge. Then, the dialog tells that the teacher does not provide enough “waiting time”. Before the students finished the thinking, the teacher got in front of the students’ answer. Teacher also does not reconfirm about the previous question that the teacher answers. But, she gave the next question directly. Well, I think why the teacher does not gave “waiting time”, it is caused the teacher has the other agenda to be finished. Whereas, the question on the review session. In addition, this class is so big. So, maybe if we used questioning and responding question too many, it will be wasting time.
            Then, teacher often answered the question that the students can not answer. It is like this question:
Guru     : “Ok, turunannya sama dengan nol =, kalo misalkan kita mau menghitung seumpanya kita mau menghitung sebuah produksi, bedanya dari tahun pertama dengan tahun kedua, jumlah produksi taun … kalo misalkan ditanya jumlah produksi dari tahun pertama ke tahun kedua.”
Siswa    : “Sum.”
Guru     : “Kalo tahun  pertama ke kedua  bukan sum, tapi kita cari differences-nya atau kita kurangi ya. Jadi tahun pertama berapa dan keduanya berapa.Dia itu untungnya dimulai dari tahun pertama ke tahun kedua, mengerti?”
Siswa    : “Tidak.”
Guru     : “Jadi gini misalkan ada sebuah problem, kalian dikasih pertanyaan tentang produksi. Besar produksi suatu perusahaan sama dengan sebesar ada sebuah equationnya kan, kemudian kita disuruh mencari berapakahbesar, contohnya ya Q=… berapakah besar antara tahun ke 3 dan ke 4, antara tahun ke 3 dan ke 4. Apa yang kita lakukan?”
Siswa    : (Hening)
Guru     : “Karena kita hanya ditanykan besarnya dan kita tahu bahwa persamaan itu besarnya sama dengan persamaan itu. Apa yang kita lakukan?”
Siswa    : ----
Guru     : “Karena ini sama besarnya ya, kalo misalkan produksi itu dalam sebuah tahun sebuah pertanyaan. Laju produksi katakanlah ini. Kalo laju berarti dia turunannya kan ya. Sekarang kalo ditanyakan hanya berapakah besar produksi antara tahun 4 dan ke 3?”
Siswa    : “Dicari dulu P(4) dan P (3).”
            In my analysis, teacher is faster to answer than to wait the students’ thinking. Then, I like this part question:
Guru     : “Hati-hati dengan kata-katanya ya, kalo misalkan dia ditanya besar ya besarnya saja. Terus kalo misalkan sebuah benda dilemparka terus kita ditanyakan berapakah tinggi maksimum?”
Siswa    : “v = 0”
Guru     : “Pada titik berapakah benda mencapai tanah?”
Siswa    : ----
Guru     : “Apanya ? t=0 jaraknya nol. Jadi bukan v nya nol ya kalo dia berada diatas tanah. Oia, kalo sebuah percepatan diketahui percepatan negative itu artinya apa si?”
Siswa    : “Diperlambat.”
Guru     : “Kalo kecepatannya  negatif, percepatannya apa?”
Siswa    : “Negative juga, diperlambat juga.”
Guru     : “Jadi kalo kecepatan minus, percepatan minus
Guru     : “Hati-hati dengan kata-katanya ya, kalo misalkan dia ditanya besar ya besarnya saja. Terus kalo misalkan sebuah benda dilemparka terus kita ditanyakan berapakah tinggi maksimum?”
Siswa    : “v = 0”
Guru     : “Pada titik berapakah benda mencapai tanah?”
Siswa    : ----
Guru     : “Apanya ? t=0 jaraknya nol. Jadi bukan v nya nol ya kalo dia berada di atas tanah. Oia, kalo sebuah percepatan diketahui percepatan negative itu artinya apa si?”
Siswa    : “Diperlambat.”
Guru     : “Kalo kecepatannya  negatif, percepatannya apa?”
Siswa    : “Negative juga, diperlambat juga.”
Guru     : “Jadi kalo kecepatan minus, percepatan minus
            I like the question. The main question then there is some support question. It should be effective because the slot is good. But, in real time, it has not be effective because time management and there are many agenda. It is just be close question that has simple answer but the students did not have opportunity more to think the answer.
            The impact, the students just were being quiet and the teacher instead answers the question by self.
            I think most questions are close question because the question just has one variety of answer. May be, the teacher suited the agenda with the time management. I think the teacher has difficulties to apply in the big class. May be, considering the number of students. If she applied the open question, it does not focus in the topic because so many probability of open question.
            From the worksheet, I think the question can build the critical thinking of students. It has steps and if the students can not solve the problem in the step, she/he has to continue the answering.
            Based on my observation, there is unexpected students’ response. It is when the teacher explained number 3 on the worksheet. In here, the teacher assumed that the students will answer, “The picture is cuboid net.” But, in real time, there are the students that answered, “The picture is cube net.” So, the teacher has to explain again and asked the students to compare cuboid net and cube net. I think it is a correct response from the teacher. It can build the critical thinking or highest order thinking of students.
            In my reflection, the teacher prepared the question well. It can be seen that the teacher can answered the unexpected question from the students. The teacher also does not run out of question. There is next question and next question again when the students do not understand about the material. The question can be guidelines for the teacher so, the goal can be reached.
            This session is so important for me as the teacher candidate. I learned so many experiences from the observation. I can predict how the students’ answer will be reached. I also can prepare the question what will I give to students. It is so useful.
            Then, before I answer all of questions in this assignment, I have to think and analysis which open question, closed question, effective question, non effective question, etc. It explores my knowledge. I am really learning about so many questions in this semester. I will be stock for my future.
            I will learn to prepare the lesson well again. I believe, it helps me to make an effective, creative, and great lesson in the future.


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