Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012
Tulisan pertamaku yang dimuat di rubrik Tantangan Kompas Kampus, (Koran Kompas Cetak) Edisi Selasa, 27 Maret 2012.
Gagal? Tulisan masuk bak sampah redaktur? Nggak lolos event?
Hal itu sudah biasa. Berulang-ulang menulis opini singkat lalu kirim ke Kompas setiap minggunya hingga file-file yang bersarang di folder "KOMPAS" pun berpuluh-puluh, tapi masih saja tetap ditolak. Bela-belain setiap hari Selasa harus mencari tukang koran hanya untuk beli "Kompas Edisi Selasa", pun kupertaruhkan. Harus menghemat uang untuk tidak banyak jajan juga demi sekadar menyisihkan uang untuk beli koran Kompas.
Pertama kali mendengar tulisan seorang sahabat dimuat di koran Kompas dalam rubrik "Argumentasi - Kompas Kampus" rasanya ikut deg-degan. Pastinya bahagia sekali, tulisan kita bisa dimuat media. Dalam hati, aku begitu menginginkannya. Ingin sekali tulisan aku juga bisa terpampang di sana. Bisa dibaca banyak orang dan semoga bermanfaat. Tapi bagaimana mungkin? Aku sudah sering kirim, malah aku sudah bosan untuk bermimpi bisa 'nampang' di Kompas, bersanding dengan tulisan opini singkatku. Sudah puluhan malahan, padahal itu tulisan terbaik menurutku. Namun ternyata, tulisanku tak ada kabar. Sia-sia saja.
Sampai suatu hari, kubentangkan selembar kertas lalu kutulis, "Aku Ingin Menjadi Penulis". Kertas itu kutempel di dinding kamarku. Setiap hari aku pandangi tulisan berbekas spidol itu. Muncul semangatku lagi. Aku harus nulis, nulis, dan nulis.
Mungkin belum jodoh, itu pikirku. Suatu hari, diskusi-diskusi kecil pun aku ikuti. Entahlah, aku tak pernah memaksa diriku untuk jadi juara, tapi aku lakukan yang terbaik. Aku pelajari tipe-tipe tulisan yang dimuat di Kompas. Ya, aku coba menulis lagi!
Tak punya komputer? Dulu aku juga pernah merasakan hal itu. Aku bela-belain nulis di kertas. Kalau salah ya aku langsung coret tanpa tipe X, lalu ganti halaman. Di sela-sela kesibukan kuliah, aku sempatkan ngetik di kampus hingga diusir sama petugas kampus. Itu hal biasa. Kalau masih belum bisa juga, harus merelakan uang 8000 rupiah selama dua jam di warnet hanya untuk ngetik dan kirim.
Aku harus nabung untuk membeli komputer. Aku harus sabar menunggu tambahan uang dari orang tuaku. Hampir satu tahun Alhamdulillah, ada rezeki dari orang tua untuk tambahan beli. Akhirnya aku membeli komputer yang biasa saja, tak perlu yang 'wah'.
Subhanallah, niatku semakin bulat. Aku ingin jadi penulis. Setiap malam aku begadang untuk mencari ide tulisan Kompas. Tulis, kirim, tulis, kirim, tapi tak ada satu pun yang dimuat. Aku tetap semangat.
"Biarkan saja redakturnya bosan membaca tulisanku yang apa adanya ini," pikirku.
Suatu hari, aku lupa beli Kompas, tiba-tiba saja salah satu kakak angkatanku berkata, "Ini tulisanmu?"
Deggg, hatiku langsung tak enak, antara percaya dan tidak percaya. Shock! Pokoknya tak enak! #alay, tak apalah. Yup, sekian lama aku menginginkannya, alhamdulillah, tulisanku dimuat di Koran Kompas tanggal 27 Maret 2012. Itu adalah pertama kalinya, tulisanku dimuat media. Walaupun hanya tulisan beberapa bait saja, aku tetap bahagia dan bersyukur. Mimpi yang dulu hanya tergantungkan di dinding kamar itu, akhirnya tercapai juga. Aku semakin yakin, aku mampu, aku bisa menjadi PENULIS!
Itu mimpiku.
"Dian, jangan pernah kau minder, walaupun kau tak pandai berbicara, tapi kau mampu menulis! Raihlah mimpi-mimpimu! Masih banyak yang mendukungmu! Percayalah, Allah akan selalu bersamamu."
#Dalam tetesan airmata pagi ini karena telah menuliskannya, semoga bermanfaat. TERIMA KASIH KEPADA SELURUH PIHAK YANG SELALU MENDUKUNGKU BAIK YANG TERSEBUT MAUPUN YANG TAK TERSEBUTKAN. MAAF.
SALAM SUKSES. (^_^)y 13/09/2012
Hal itu sudah biasa. Berulang-ulang menulis opini singkat lalu kirim ke Kompas setiap minggunya hingga file-file yang bersarang di folder "KOMPAS" pun berpuluh-puluh, tapi masih saja tetap ditolak. Bela-belain setiap hari Selasa harus mencari tukang koran hanya untuk beli "Kompas Edisi Selasa", pun kupertaruhkan. Harus menghemat uang untuk tidak banyak jajan juga demi sekadar menyisihkan uang untuk beli koran Kompas.
Pertama kali mendengar tulisan seorang sahabat dimuat di koran Kompas dalam rubrik "Argumentasi - Kompas Kampus" rasanya ikut deg-degan. Pastinya bahagia sekali, tulisan kita bisa dimuat media. Dalam hati, aku begitu menginginkannya. Ingin sekali tulisan aku juga bisa terpampang di sana. Bisa dibaca banyak orang dan semoga bermanfaat. Tapi bagaimana mungkin? Aku sudah sering kirim, malah aku sudah bosan untuk bermimpi bisa 'nampang' di Kompas, bersanding dengan tulisan opini singkatku. Sudah puluhan malahan, padahal itu tulisan terbaik menurutku. Namun ternyata, tulisanku tak ada kabar. Sia-sia saja.
Sampai suatu hari, kubentangkan selembar kertas lalu kutulis, "Aku Ingin Menjadi Penulis". Kertas itu kutempel di dinding kamarku. Setiap hari aku pandangi tulisan berbekas spidol itu. Muncul semangatku lagi. Aku harus nulis, nulis, dan nulis.
Mungkin belum jodoh, itu pikirku. Suatu hari, diskusi-diskusi kecil pun aku ikuti. Entahlah, aku tak pernah memaksa diriku untuk jadi juara, tapi aku lakukan yang terbaik. Aku pelajari tipe-tipe tulisan yang dimuat di Kompas. Ya, aku coba menulis lagi!
Tak punya komputer? Dulu aku juga pernah merasakan hal itu. Aku bela-belain nulis di kertas. Kalau salah ya aku langsung coret tanpa tipe X, lalu ganti halaman. Di sela-sela kesibukan kuliah, aku sempatkan ngetik di kampus hingga diusir sama petugas kampus. Itu hal biasa. Kalau masih belum bisa juga, harus merelakan uang 8000 rupiah selama dua jam di warnet hanya untuk ngetik dan kirim.
Aku harus nabung untuk membeli komputer. Aku harus sabar menunggu tambahan uang dari orang tuaku. Hampir satu tahun Alhamdulillah, ada rezeki dari orang tua untuk tambahan beli. Akhirnya aku membeli komputer yang biasa saja, tak perlu yang 'wah'.
Subhanallah, niatku semakin bulat. Aku ingin jadi penulis. Setiap malam aku begadang untuk mencari ide tulisan Kompas. Tulis, kirim, tulis, kirim, tapi tak ada satu pun yang dimuat. Aku tetap semangat.
"Biarkan saja redakturnya bosan membaca tulisanku yang apa adanya ini," pikirku.
Suatu hari, aku lupa beli Kompas, tiba-tiba saja salah satu kakak angkatanku berkata, "Ini tulisanmu?"
Deggg, hatiku langsung tak enak, antara percaya dan tidak percaya. Shock! Pokoknya tak enak! #alay, tak apalah. Yup, sekian lama aku menginginkannya, alhamdulillah, tulisanku dimuat di Koran Kompas tanggal 27 Maret 2012. Itu adalah pertama kalinya, tulisanku dimuat media. Walaupun hanya tulisan beberapa bait saja, aku tetap bahagia dan bersyukur. Mimpi yang dulu hanya tergantungkan di dinding kamar itu, akhirnya tercapai juga. Aku semakin yakin, aku mampu, aku bisa menjadi PENULIS!
Itu mimpiku.
"Dian, jangan pernah kau minder, walaupun kau tak pandai berbicara, tapi kau mampu menulis! Raihlah mimpi-mimpimu! Masih banyak yang mendukungmu! Percayalah, Allah akan selalu bersamamu."
#Dalam tetesan airmata pagi ini karena telah menuliskannya, semoga bermanfaat. TERIMA KASIH KEPADA SELURUH PIHAK YANG SELALU MENDUKUNGKU BAIK YANG TERSEBUT MAUPUN YANG TAK TERSEBUTKAN. MAAF.
SALAM SUKSES. (^_^)y 13/09/2012
Ratu Bulkhis,
am very proud for your writing. I enjoy it. I think that your writing is
interesting for me. I liked your writing style. It has increase in your writing
skill and your English skill. Lets’ we improve our skill. I believe that we can
do it.
here I want to give opinion for your writing. I still found your writing is
incorrect. It is about your typing. I think you are more careful again when you
write in your computer. But it is OK. All of your writing is good. Keep spirit
Ratu. I am smart, You are smart, and We
are smart.
wait your writing. Lets’ we reach our dream. Thank you so much.
Teaching Reflection:
I Study from You
Reflection of School
Experience Program in 4th Semester
Dian Sulistiani / 2010110027
School of Education / Section B
experience program in this semester was very great. I was happy and interesting
for it. I got SMA Muhammadiyah 03. Wow, that was long journey. I visited the
school during two weeks. I think, school experience program was a time that it
exhausted for me. I have to wake up early. It was 4’ clock in the morning then
I have to go home again in the evening. It needed a struggle hard.
first day, I can not sleep well. I was afraid that I overslept. Every day, I
have to go by public bus. I went to Blok M by bus 45 or bus 57 and then I went
to SMA Muh 03 by bus 72. I got a group with Susi, Imam, Mulyati, and Redyta. We
are from mathematics department and six students are from English department. In
this school, I met Mr Dwi who is mathematics teacher. I liked his style. He was
friendly with us. I have so many experiences in this program, especially how to
prepare and teach the students.
first week, I observed in Mr Dwi’s class. This school has three majors each
grade. They are SCI (Siswa Cerdas Istimewa), IPA, and IPS. First time, I
observed in SCI class to mathematics lesson. I went at 2002 classroom. It is
mathematics classroom. The school have regulation that the students have to
move in other room to get the new lesson. I arrived at the class on time but
the classroom was empty. Nobody students came in this class until ten minutes.
Mr Dwi and I waited them. Wow, that was wonderful. In my imagine, this class
consist of all clever students. Yup, I am right. They have ability that is more
than other class. They achieved the material fast and well. In this class,
there are only eleven students. Mr Dwi taught the students fast. He used the
lecturing methods. He explained the material for students and they drilled and
practiced the concepts.
second day, I observed in IPS class. It is X grade. As usual, I came the 2002
room early but nobody students came this room. I waited them until twenty
minutes. This class consist of sixteen students. I observed the teaching and
learning. In this opportunity, I got the differences of Mr Dwi’s attitude. Mr
Dwi was harder than when he taught the SCI class. But it is OK. I think, Mr Dwi
can adapt his self in the class. I liked it. When the students were doing the
assignment, one of them came me and she asked how to solve the problem. I
helped her but sometimes she did not understand. I tried hard to deliver the
material until she understood. I gave the simple statement to get the answer
but she was confused. Finally, she understood too. Oh God, it is very difficult
to me. I need study hard again to deliver the material that they have ability
are different each students.
and I discussed that the Statistic topic of mini research. We focused SCI
class. It means we have to teach SCI class in next week. Okay, I am ready. On
Monday in second week, I will teach SCI class by my self because Susi gets DI
school. Finally, I got Sunday so I have to prepare well. I did not sleep in
evening of Sunday. I prepared the material that on Monday, I deliver to
students. I also made visual aid that was material from Mr Dwi. I struggled
hard. I want to teach well.
I got a problem on Monday. I discussed with Mr Dwi about the material but
suddenly Mr Dwi gave the new material to SCI class. Oh God. I was very sad. I
explained Mr Dwi that I have to prepare all of first material but Mr Dwi asked
me to teach other material? In my heart, I said, “Oh God. I prepared it well. I
also made a visual aid; I did not sleep in last evening. I have to study hard
and I took many books. It is just to teach the students. But now, Mr Dwi
cancelled me to teach?” I was very sad but it was Ok. I was aware. My struggle
was a great experience. I think, one day when I am teacher, I will get so many
problem. Finally, I observed the Mr Dwi class again. I helped Mr Dwi to teach
SCI class. I was happy although I was disappointed.
next day, Mr Dwi was sick so we have to teach his class. Susi and I taught the
SCI class. We prepared well. Actually, this class was suitable with our plan. I
was happy for that. We had lecturing for the material and then we had a
competition between groups. The students paid attention for us. They liked the
methods that we used. I was happy to hear it. They also understood the material
that I delivered to them.
next session, I got IPS class. But we did not prepare because Mr Dwi did not
give information before now. Susi and I were in 2002 class suddenly, student
came and said “Miss, where is Mr Dwi?”
answered, “Mr Dwi is sick. Is there problem?”
said, “IPS class is later. We want to go home so we just have forty minutes to
join this class.”
answered, “We have eighty minutes to mathematics class. Okay.”
added, ”Usually Mr Dwi just teach us until forty minutes.” Finally, they went
out classroom. I though that they did not liked mathematics class. I did not
know it. Eighty minutes will be forty minutes. It was very big problem. But
Susi and I tried IPS class.
In IPS class, it was very
disappointed. They came late twenty minutes. They did not have motivation to
study mathematics. They were noisy. They ate together in front of room. Oh No.
I wanted to surrender but it was reality show. “You must try, Dian. You will
find other problem in next day so you must solve the problem,” said my mind.
Finally, we only gave some question for them. I gathered their answer until
twenty minutes because they pushed us to finish the lesson. It was unhappy. I
hope it will not happen again.
In next day, I helped Imam to teach
IPA class. He prepared well. In Imam’s class, I found the new experience. The
lesson was very great. The students enjoyed the lesson and they were happy.
Imam explained the material well and clearly. Sometimes students did not understand
so I helped them to understand the material. I liked this class.
Then on Thursday, I did not come at
SMA Muhammadiyah 03, I visited DI school. I helped Susi to prepare the lesson
in last evening. She taught SCI class by herself. It was Okay. I hope she will
be better.
DI school, I visited SDLB Tri Asih
Jakarta. I got so many experiences. We have to go early. We used busway to
Slipi and then we took a ride Kopaja 16 to go school. We came the school on
time. I met new friends. First
time, I came here; I was confused because the students were different. Yup,
they are “Tuna Grahita” students but they were good. They are friendly. I liked
them. Although they were different but they had a great motivation. They
accosted us and acquainted with us. They also had a new ability. They divided
by some group. They were “Grahita berat” in panti, school and shop. I saw a
shop. It was to old people. They made cloth from thread. Wow, it is great,
right? They can make a cloth and the result is very good.
Then, I visited the school. They had
elementary school, Junior high school, and Senior high school. I met many
children in elementary school. They had gymnastics before they entered the
classroom. It was leaded by headmaster. It is fantastic. I found new
confortable. They cared other people. The teachers gave love and attention for
their students. I appreciated them. Then, I entered classroom grade IIIA. In
here, there are 5 students and one new student. They are Marya, Edbert, Roni,
Dino, Remon, and a new student is Rafail. I liked them. They had peculiarity. I
introduced my self and in this day, I wanted to know them deeper again. I met a
student that I amazed him. His name is Edbert. If we saw him, we found him as
normal child. He is handsome and clever. Teacher said that he is a kid with autism but he
is a great student. He can know a day in date without saw the calendar. For
example, 23 February 2013 is … He can answer it is Saturday without saw the
calendar. It is very great. I think he is gifted student. I ever asked his
teacher, “Is there formula for it?” the teacher answered, ”Yes, there is but I
do not know. Nobody knows it except him.” Wow, it is Godsend. I hope, I can
meet him again. He liked to see label. He remembered the advertisement of
product too. The teacher said, “Edbert liked label because in his memorize that
anything must have a label. He interest with anything that have a word.”
also amazed Rafail. He likeds to say “Dog”. He said that the teacher is dog but
it is okay. The teacher laughed to hear it. They assumed that in Rafail’s
memorize is dog. May be he likeds to watch the dog film. He usually said or
sang a song with the keyword is dog. The teacher asked him to draw a dog in a
paper. And the result was very amazed. His picture was perfect and very good liked
the picture of a normal people. I think, I did not make a picture liked Rafail.
It was great job. They are a special need that had an amazed ability.
liked the teacher’s methods to teach them. They were very care and patient.
They used a differentiated instruction for their students. They gave a rule if
the students done a mistake. I appreciated the teachers.
studied many things from them. I was really happy in this school experience
program. I am more appreciating what are the differences between us. I hope the
school experience program in next semester more fantastic again. Thank you God.
It is my great experiences. Thank you for your attention. ^_^
Anecdotal Record:
Anecdotal Record I
Date :
Tuesday, April 3rd 2012
Place : X-SCI
(SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Jakarta)
Observer : Dian
Description of setting :
Today, grade X-SCI is stand for
“Siswa Cerdas Istimewa”. It has eleven students. They study mathematics. It is
going on 10:50 am until 12:10 pm. The school has moving class. Its’ regulation
is students must move to get the next lesson. Mathematics lesson is in 2002
room at second floor.
The teacher has come in 2002 room
but the students have not come yet. The teacher waits the students until ten
minutes. Finally, students come and sit quietly.
name : Initial S (Female)
Description of the
activities :
The students have materials about sinus
cosines of
and tangent of
In this meeting, teacher gives the formulas of them. Teacher writes the formula
on the white board and then explains it to students. S writes the formulas on
her book. She pays attention teachers’ explanation.

Teacher gives assignment for
students. S works the assignment but suddenly she come forward to teacher. She
asks teacher about her difficulties to solve the problem. Teacher gives
feedback and explains it again to her. She understands and has a sit. She is
continuing the assignment. Few minutes later, she stands and asks the teacher
again. She asks the teacher to give correction for her answer. Teacher gives
feedback and correction for her answer. It is happened again until the lesson
Notes :
The student is still need teacher’s
assistance. She also needs some drills and practises again so she can increase
her confidence to solve the problem. She is more asking teacher than her
name : Initial F (Male)
Description of activities :
The students have materials about
sinus of
cosines of
and tangent of
In this meeting, teacher gives the formulas of them. Teacher writes the formula
on the white board and then explains it to students. F writes the formulas on her
book. He pays attention teachers’ explanation.

Then teacher gives assignment for
students. He works it by his self. A few minutes later, he comes to his friend
and asks a step to solve the problem. He works it by group. He finishes the
assignment and comes to teacher. He asks the feedback from teacher.
Notes :
F is more work with his friends than
with teacher. He needs friends’ assistance to solve the problem but he has
tried to solve the problem by his self. May be, we can use the team work to help
him in teaching and learning process.
Anecdotal Record II
Date :
Wednesday, April 4th 2012
Place : XI-IS
(SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Jakarta)
Observer : Dian
Description of setting :
Today, grade XI-IS has eleven
students. They study mathematics lesson. It is going on 01:10 pm until 02:30
pm. The school has moving class so the students must move to get the next
lesson. Mathematics lesson is in 2002 room at second floor.
The teacher has come in 2002 room
but the students have not come yet. The teacher waits the students until 15
minutes. Finally, students come and sit noisily. The teacher asks the students
to be quiet. The class situation is hot so the students flutter the paper to
their body.
name : Initial R (Female)
Description of the
activities :
The students have materials about
sequence and series. In this meeting, teacher asks the
students about their homework. But the students have not done their homework
yet. So, the teacher asks the students to do it today. Teacher walks around the
students to check their answer. Teacher also gives instruction that students
can ask observer to help it. R comes me and asks about the steps to solve the
problem. She is confused for the problem. I help her and she understands in
first question. She tries to solve the problem but she has a difficulty to
comprehend the question. I give suggestion for her that it is only entered into
formula. But she is confused again. I guide her slowly. Finally, she can
understand. She has difficulties to determine the value of fraction. She tries
again to solve the problem. She often asks me how to solve the series problem.
Notes :
The student is still need teacher’s
assistance. She also needs some drills and practises again so she can increase
her ability to solve the problem. May be, the teacher should teach her slowly
so she can understand clearly.
2. Student’s name : Initial M (Male)
Description of
activities :
M sit on chair backside. He also
flutters the paper to his body. The class is so hot today. The teacher asks M
that his homework. He answers that he has not done the homework yet. He gives
explanation that he has many assignment on other lesson. The teacher asks him
to finish the homework today.
He speaks with his friends when he
works the assignment. He is confused so he also asks the friends how to solve
the problem. He works it by team work. Teacher controls their working. He
finishes the homework until the lesson finish. He gathers his homework late.
Notes :
The student is more work it with his
friends than his self. He can understand when his friend explains it clearly.
May be, the team work can help him to solve the difficulties.
Anecdotal Record III
Date :
Thursday, April 5rd 2012
Place : X-SCI
(SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Jakarta)
Observer : Dian
Description of setting :
Today, grade X-SCI study
mathematics. It is going on 10:50 am until 12:10 pm. The school has moving
class as usual. Mathematics lesson is in 2002 room at second floor.
The teacher and students come on
time. The students also come and sit quietly.
Students’ name : Initial P (Male)
Description of the
activities :
The students have materials about
trigonometric. In this meeting, teacher gives the paper
of formulas. Teacher asks the students to read and understand the materials
P sits on chair backside. He does
not pay attention the teacher instruction. He plays the tablet with his friend.
The other student asks about a formula so the teacher explains it on the white
board. P stops his game on tablet and pays attention for teachers’ explanation.
Actually, the answer of teacher on whiteboard and the paper have differences.
He claims the teacher’s answer. Then, the teacher asks the students to correct
the formula on the paper.
The teacher asks the students to
solve some problems on paper. P works it by his self. He tries to do it on
white board. Finally, his answer is true. He also helps his friend that has a
difficulty to solve the problem until class finish.
Notes :
The student can understand the
material clearly. He can help his friends so he can explore his ability in team
work. May be, we can manage the students into heterogeneous based on readiness
in this class.
Page 1
Work Sheet
Name : Class :
Absent : Date :
Page 2
A Circle
Okay students, we are going to learn about a circle.
In here, you will have a experiment for a circle. Enjoy your journey.
First, lets we determine the circumference of circle.
Step to determine the circumference of circle:
Make some
circles into the cartoon paper. Lets see the figure I.
Radius is 1 cm Radius
is 2 cm Radius
is 3 cm
Source of image:
Measure the
circumference of each the circle. You can use some thread to measure them.
can start from a point P end at the same point P.
3. Measure
the length of each strand of thread with a ruler. Write your answer into the
table I.
4. The
length of each strand is the length of each circles’ circumferences.
lets’ determine the diameter and circumference of a can’s base. You can use a
1. Duplicate
the circle of the can’s base on a piece of paper.
2. Crop the duplicate of the can.
3. The cropped
piece of paper is a circle shape

the circle duplicate so that the perimeter of circle is exactly covered each
other. The crease line acts as the diameter of circle.

To determine the
circumference of circle, you can use step like the first step. Write your
result into table I.
Third, please write your result on the table I.
Third, please write your result on the table I.
r = 1 cm
r = 2 cm
r = 3 cm
radius of can
- You can use a calculator to complete the table (the 4th column)
- Find the average value of the ratio of (Circumference/Diameter) rounded to two decimal places.
- Write your conclusion.
Instructions for a mathematical project:
Geometry –
3 D Shapes (Cubes, Cuboids, Prisms, Pyramids)
Grade X / 2nd
By: Susi
Dariah, Dian Sulistiani, Hana Sofiyana
As usual, at the end of the topic you will get a test
in order to assess your understanding and so do this topic of Geometry. Now, as
the final test for the topic of 3D shapes, you will have an exhibition, what
will the exhibition looks like? Read the explanation of the task thoroughly.
The Task:
On this final
test, you will work on group of 4 and develop a miniature of a shape.
You are allowed
to build any shape in term of it is developed from some cubes, cuboids, prisms
and pyramids.
Your miniature
will be exhibited on Monday, April 2nd, 2012.
In your
exhibition, you should explain to the visitors about:
How you could
develop its miniature.
What are the 3D
shapes that form the miniature
What are
elements of every 3D shape and also give the information of the surface area and
the volume of your miniature.
Your visitors
will have the right to ask some questions about your miniature and they will
assess your performance according to the rubric that has been prepared.
The rubric:
Need Improvement
Knowledge Acquiring
Students can clearly describe the miniature
explanations and answer all of the visitors question clearly
Students can clearly describe the miniature
explanations and answer some of the visitors questions
Students can describe the miniature explanations but
can not answer the visitors questions
Students can not describe the miniature explanation
and can not answer the visitors’ questions
Students are outstandingly making the miniature of a
Students are good in making the miniature of a shape
Students made the miniature of a shape in average
Students made miniature of a shape by having below
average quality
Accuracy of the surface area and the volume calculations
Students calculate the surface area and volume of
the shape correctly by finding the formula previously
Students could find and apply the formula of the
surface area and volume of the shape but incorrectly calculate some of the
Students could find the formula of the surface area
and volume of the shape but incorrectly calculate and apply the formula
Students could not find and apply the formula of the
surface area and volume of the shape and incorrectly calculate all of the
The composition of 3D shapes to form a miniature
The miniature is formed by 4 kinds of 3D shapes
The miniature is formed by 3 kinds of 3D shapes
The miniature is formed by 2 kinds of 3D shapes
The miniature is formed by a kind of 3D shape
Usually makes eye contact, volume is always
appropriate, enthusiasm present through out presentation, summary is
completely accurate
Usually makes eye contact, volume is always
appropriate, enthusiasm is present in most of presentation, only one or two
errors in summary
Sometimes make eye contact, volume is sometimes
appropriate, occasional enthusiasm in presentation, some errors in summary
Never or rarely makes eye contact, volume is
inappropriate, rarely shows enthusiasm in presentation, many errors in
Group work
All of group member give the participation for doing
the task
Only 3 persons of group member give the
participation for doing the task
Only 2 persons of group member give the
participation for doing the task
Only a person of group member give the participation
for doing the task
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