Dear Students,
Welcome in new semester! How are you all? I hope all
of you are OK. Oh yes, how is your holiday? I think it was nice. In this
semester, you will learn with me again. I am glad to see you. Let’s be ready to
enjoy it in my lesson.
Okay, the first time, I want to introduce my self
again. May be some of you do not know yet who I am. My name is Dian Sulistiani.
You can call me, Miss Dian. I will teach you in mathematics lesson. I am nice
to meet you and how do you do? Please enjoy in our journey.
Do you still remember about our classroom agreement?
It is same with the last agreement. RAO, Respect, Active, on time. If you have
addition or suggestion for our agreement, we will discuss it in the class.
In this semester, we are going to learn about some
topics. They are statistics, probability, series and sequences, and space model
of mathematics. We have thirty times meeting. The meetings are divided into
some activities. Twenty four times of meetings are teaching and learning
processes in our classroom. Three times of meetings, we have project of each
subtopics. One of meeting, we will have a tour in PPP-IPTEK (TMII). The last,
two times of meetings, we have mid term and final examination.
The first, it is about our teaching and learning
processes. I will give you for the materials in every meeting. You can take it
in our schools e-learning too. I will upload it and please check it before our
meeting. I hope all of you read the materials before we discuss it in the
class. You also can search it from anything that is suitable with our topic. Do
not worry; I will inform it for you in next session.
The second, it is about our project. I will send
email for you about the project guidelines and schedule. This is related with
each our topic. You do it independently but you can consult it with me in free
times. I think it is fun. I believe all of you can be the best thing in this session.
You can do it.
The third, it is about our tour. I will give you
schedule for it in next session. I think it is very interesting. Do you like
it? We can learn many things in our tour. So, do not forget make reflection
about your tour. I will send schedule and this information by email.
The fourth, it is about examination. We have mid
term and final examination. They are paper and pencil tests. I hope all of you
always enjoy my lesson. Do not worry, we learn together.
Okay, I hope you can understand it well. If you have
problems or questions, you can meet or call or ask to me. You can meet me in my
office every time but you should make an agreement with me. You can send a
message in my email at:
or by hand phone in 081 931 982 846. Thank you so much. Keep our spirit in this
Best Regards,
Dian Sulistiani
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