Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

That’s Me

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What is the meaning of name? This is the phrase that we often hear. But, whatever definition or explanation about the name, I think the meaning of name is an important part of life. The name is something historic in life. It is also an implicit part of a prayer and hope.
Okay, in here I will try to share about the name, may be, you also have name as my name. Nothing is impossible. Firstly, I want to introduce myself. My name is Dian Sulistiani. Actually, it is difficult for me to explain what is the meaning of my name. The name was a gift from my parents. That is not only a name but that is a unique story of my life. Okay, I will explain my name story. Actually, I am not the first child of my family. I still have a sister, but when my sister was born in this world, the condition of my family was less supportive families. My father was seriously ill and the economy was so bad. Some day after the birth of my sister, God took back her. Like or not, my parents must be willing that.
My parents believed God give us the best anything. After one year, my mother pregnant again. After 9 months and 10 days, a baby girl was born. My birth was not given any changes in my family. But both my parents were proud and happy. I gave a new life and new expectation. So, my parents found the best name for me. It is Dian Sulistiani. According them, as a first daughter that she life and one day will be a guide for younger, Dian is perfect. My father said that Dian is light source, Sulistiani is a good woman. So, in my opinion, Dian Sulistiani is a good woman that can be lighter to other in every time and anywhere. I believe, my parents give my name like that’s, they hope so that their children become a good people in attitude, character, and great dreams. May be if I related in my historic of life, my name is very important. A expectation of my parents. That all are the meaning of my name that is my opinion.
Perhaps because my name, I grew up be a person who has the courage, have give up and most importantly, how can I change the lives of all the things around me for the better. I am proud to be the names of both parents. I think that is perfect for me. I am comfortable with it. As people that have the name, I always try to achieve that dream of my parents. I love my parents so much, my parents are very good at choosing names for their children. I am very fortunate.

4 komentar:

  1. waaw.. I like the meaning of your name.. someone who can be lighter to other people.. But don't be like a candle ^^.. Keep fighting

  2. yups... I don't be like a candle... because if candle go out so it can't turn back... it must have candle wick... and we need reshapes that... I am lighter but not candle.... ^_^
